Announcement of the Pettenkofer Award 2024
The Pettenkofer Foundation, which has legal capacity and is administered and represented by the Foundation Administration of the City of Munich, intends to award a research prize in the field of virology of 5.000 € in December 2024 for an outstanding original scientific paper published after January 1st, 2022 on the subject of
The role of the innate immune system in the defense against viral infections.
The original work should have contributed to an important insight into the virus-host interaction of important human pathogens with cellular factors of the innate immune system. Pioneering work in the field of basic research as well as translational studies will be considered.
The prize can be awarded to an individual or a group. The application must be accompanied by an assurance that all non-submitting co-authors agree to the application. An independent expert jury will decide on the awarding of the prize. Please send the original paper including curriculum vitae, scientific career and publication list by email to the Max von Pettenkofer Institute, Pettenkofer Prize 2024 Secretariat, at by 31.08.2024.
The prize money is provided by Roche Diagnostics GmbH.